Meet the Heads of our Kura

Head Girl

Head Boy
Ka mātai taku titiro ki ngā wai tukukiri o Oraka, whakawhiti atu ki te maunga
whakahī e tū mai ana, ko Hautere. Huri atu ki te whare whakaruruhau o
Ngāti Mahana, o Ngāti Āhuru, ko Whakaaratamaiti. Hoea rā te waka mai
Hawaiki ki Kāwhia, ko Tainui e tau nei. Ka tū au ko Fresia e kō Koia e ara e!
To me, the most special and meaningful thing about being at Te Wharekura
o Te Kaokaoroa o Pātetere is that we are unapologetically Māori in every
sense. Our culture, values, and identity are not just acknowledged but
celebrated and woven into every aspect of our learning, environment, and
way of being. Here, we are empowered to stand tall in our Māoritanga, to
embrace who we are without hesitation or compromise.
This kura provides a space where being Māori is not only normal but also a
source of immense pride, strength, and unity. It’s a place where our reo,
tikanga, and whakapapa are nurtured and upheld, allowing us to thrive as
confident Māori in a modern world.
For me, this unapologetic embrace of our identity is what makes our
wharekura truly unique and invaluable
Mānawatia te tau hou pākehā rua ngahuru mā whā Mānawatia ngā hua nui o te wā
Ko Caleb Marsh Wilkinson toku ingoa. I am the eldest in my whanau, and my parents are Caleb Peke and Moira-ann Marsh-Peke.
He uri ahau no Raukawa, Te Aupouri, Ngati Tamatera me Ngati Paoa, Ko taku whainga matua i tenei tau kia whakatauira tika i nga uara o toku kura, o toku whānau hoki.
My journey began at Te Wharekura o te Kaokaoroa o Pātetere in 2019, when I started in Kura Waenga, in Year 6. What I love most about our kura is that it's like a whānau. Every single kaiako here has had a significant impact on who I am today. They have shown me love, dedication, and care, going above and beyond to ensure I succeed
in everything I do. Because of them, I’ve been able to envision the future I want for myself.
I also appreciated how my tuakana looked after us and inspired me in my love for kapa haka. I'm extremely grateful to my kura for introducing me to the world of kapa haka, a world I now love. From my time in Kura Waenga to now, my kapa haka journey has helped me grow into
the person I am today. I wouldn’t be where I am without my kura. This year, just like my tuakana did for me, I aim to care for and show love to every whānau member at our kura. I want to give back everything that I can to our kaiako, kura, and whānau.
While I’m not looking forward to leaving kura at the end of the year, I carry with me the words of Matua Keith: "KAOKAOROA FOR LIFE".
Nga mihi aroha e te whānau.
Meet our Board of Trustees
Our Board of Trustees is dedicated to removing barriers to education and to provide all students with a safe environment to learn, grow and embrace our character school through Te Reo Māori.

Arama Ngapo
Parent Representative

Tina Johnson
Parent Representative

Keith Silveira

Kyle Amopiu
Board Chairman

Greg Brown
Elected Member

April Silveira
Staff Representative
Meet our Senior Management team
Our senior management team work closely together to ensure our kura runs safely and smoothly whilst striving to provide the best education possible for all tamariki that attend our kura.

Keith Silveira

Veronica Tiatoa
Assistant Principal
HOD - Kura Teina

Aaron Koopu
Assistant Principal
HOD - Wharekura

April Silveira
Deputy Principal

Samantha Waitai-Terekia
Assistant Principal
HOD - Kura Waenga
Meet our Teaching team
Here are our knowledgable and friendly teaching staff who are the core of our kura. We are very fortunate to have an array of teachers dedicated to nurturing all tamariki with specific learning programmes to help progress all of their learning needs.

Veronica Tiatoa
Kura Teina - HOD
Rangi-Mareikura - Tau 4

Takarihi Temarama
Rangi Mareikura 2
Kura Teina - Tau 4

Naomi Smith
Rangi Mareikura 1
Kura Teina - Tau 3

Toti Ritete-Tuhua
Rangi Tamaku
Kura Teina - Tau 1-2

Samantha Waitai-Terekia
Kura waenga - HOD

Te Arohanui Waikato
Kura Waenga Tau 5-8

Patricia Hancy
Kura Waenga Tau 5-8

Bronwyn Simmonds
Wharekura - Tau 9

Wairuaiti Tumai
Kura Waenga Tau 5-8

Kapiolani Kihi-Waikato
Rangi Nanao
Kura Waenga - Tau 5-8

Ria-Maieke Te Kurapa
Kura Waenga - Tau 5-8

Dave Leaf
Kura Waenga - Tau 5-8

Aaron Koopu
Wharekura - Tau 13

Tania Martin
Wharekura - Tau 11

Pourahi Rangikataua
Wharekura - Tau 12

Megan Tapara
Wharekura - Tau 12

Jeremy Siulepa
Wharekura - Tau 13

Reina Treadaway
Wharekura - Tau 9 & 10

Khaysharn Kingi-Takoko
Wharekura - Tau 9

Emerson Rikiriki
Wharekura - Tau 10

Taumata Solomon
Wharekura - Tau 10

Christy Te Kurapa
Wharekura - Tau 10

Carle Hakaria
Wharekura - Tau 11

Sven Morgan
Rangi Mareikura 2
Kura Teina - Tau 4

Aroha Rauhihi
Kura Teina - Tau 2-3

Renee Onehi
Rangi Parauri
Kura Teina - Tau 0-1
Meet our Support staff
Our support staff team are dedicated to helping students, whanau and staff.

Janelle Hotham
Executive Officer

Manaia Morrison
Office Assistant

Bridget Koopu
Dining Room Manager

Michelle Woodhouse
Dining Room Assistant

Steven Senior

Tohi Koopu
Groundsman/Bus Driver

Kjahn Senior
Sports Coordinator
Kura Teina

Nesta Cremins
Kura Teina

Maree Savage
Office Manager

Kristen Karauna
Sports Coordinator

Kelvin Haumaha
Vehicle Manager

Rick Paul
Bus Driver

Donald Couper
Bus Driver

Richard O'brien
Bus Driver

Mark Paul
Bus Driver

Tyriq Senior
Meet our Kōhanga Staff
We welcome our new kōhanga staff as part of our growing kura.

Herani Koia
Head Kaiako

Amo Kingi

Taraipine Paora-Bond

Sharon Weaver
Kōhanga Dining Room Staff

Terina Hakaria

Arahia Moeke

Te Rongorito Temarama-Swinkels

Michelle Wairea-McCaskill