Complete all sections of the application package and return it to the school office.
You will be contacted to arrange a time for an interview with the Pouarahi or Principal.
At anytime you may receive the outcome of your application.
The board of trustees operates an enrolment policy, administered and controlled by the tumuaki. Students and their whānau who support our goals of retaining and enhancing te reo māori, and Raukawa tikanga may gain entry to Te Wharekura O Te Kaokaoroa O Pātetere based on the following criteria:
Number of students already enrolled in the class.
The applicant's previous Kōhanga Reo/Kura Reports and attendance.
The applicant’s ability in te reo māori.
Whether other siblings are already enrolled.
Students and their whanau are expected to be committed to the philosophy of our kura, and actively involved in the community.
All applicants to Te Wharekura o Te Kaokaoroa o Pātetere are considered, although priority for admission is given to students within the Raukawa District who meet the necessary requirements.