We aim to provide academic programmes that meet the needs of our students & community, leading to students who are fluent in Te Reo Māori and also diverse N. C. E. A qualifications.
We are dedicated to creating robust academic programmes, reinforced by data and evidence to maximise student achievement.
Meet our
Academic Prefects

Mātauranga Prefect Tau 12

Mātauranga Prefect Tau 13

We aim to have small class sizes so every child's learning needs are attended to appropriately. Class groups are split by year levels, however students may study at various levels within subject classes.
The classes are also grouped into ohu, wider groups which share timetables and spend a lot of time together for things like karakia, haerenga, sport, kai, kapa haka etc.
Bell times
The school day begins early, when students arrive at school they head to the wharekai for breakfast before classes begin. Our senior students begin slightly earlier than the juniors with a meeting before class.
The whole school has a break together at interval, and the junior school has lunch before the senior school. Our junior students have an extra ten minute break in the afternoon.
Each ohu runs their own timetable and subjects.
Year 1 - 8 daily timetables can include the following subjects:
Pangarau, Tuhituhi, Panui, Reo-a-waha, Hakinakina, & Kaupapa - Kapa Haka, Putaiao, Hangarau, Tikanga-a-iwi, Hauora, Toi ataata, Toi Puoro.
Year 9 - 13 daily timetables can include the following subjects:
Mathematics, Te Reo Maori, English, Physical Education, Health, Art, Science, Maori Performing Arts, History, & Tikanga-a-iwi, Digital Technology.
Depending on a students progress, and career aspirations specialist programs may be on offer to them. For example; Elite sport, Waiariki/STAR, Correspondence subject, Te reo rangatira and so on.
Ngā Manu Taiko - Graduates
The student, by November 5th in the year of their graduation, must have:
Academic achievement:
80 credits in NCEA level 1 (15 in numeracy and in literacy).
80 credits in NCEA level 2 (at least 15 credits in 3 subjects including either Te Reo Māori or Te Reo Rangatira).
45 credits in NCEA level 3 (at least 15 credits in 3 subjects including either Te Reo Māori or Te Reo Rangatira).
Reo Māori me ōna tikanga:
Achieved base line in NCEA Te Reo Māori or Te reo rangatira as prescribed above.
Participated in at least three of: pōwhiri, whaikōrero, karanga, poukai, or kapa haka.
Is a caring person.
Uplifting others, respecting others, and providing service to others.
Strong core values.
Can articulate and explain values of the kura pepeha and of being thoughtful and reflective.
Has a positive work ethic:
Can plan strategically to complete tasks.
Has an 80% attendance record in their graduating year.